Sunday, May 20, 2007

Miscellaneous Links (not presented live)

Audio Portfolios for Language practice.
"Audio Portfolios is a tool that provides an environment for students to practice speaking. The program runs in a web browser window. Students log in to their own accounts and record themselves. When they are satisfied with their sound files, they "share" them with the instructor. Shared files are accessible to the instructor. All sound files are stored on the server, and are accessible only to the student and the instructor."
Yahoo! Teachers "The easy-to-use site and peer network designed by and for teachers. Get ready to create, modify and share standards-based curriculum." (not yet public, but you can put in your email to be notified when it is)

Googlepedia by Michael Miller This is Kathy Schrock's blog entry about the book. There's so much to learn about using Google tools. My eyes were openned just reading this entry where Kathy mentions that you can limit your search results by putting "intext:"(w/o the quotes) in front of your search terms and this avoids searching websites search terms by only looking at the text on the page. She also mentions that the order of your search words is important. The first word is given more importance than the second so put the key word first.

Transl8it! from chat txt to English or vice versa.

Google Mobile Text a search query to GOOGL (466453) and they'll text back the results. You can try it out on the linked page. Also, see examples of the types of things you can text in.

The Generator Blog "This blog is not about those machines used to change mechanical energy into electrical energy. It's about software that creates software. Software to play around and have fun with." Want to see you name in lights or maybe on the side of an airplane. This blog is pure fun!

Geo Greeting One more site that's pure fun! The site will send any message you want to an email address that you input, but the message is spelled out with building around the world as seen from outer space. You have to see it:-)